“That equipment was MINE!”

One day we were talking with owners of another bus getting ruined by LoneStar Skoolie. As they were looking at our pictures, they said that our electrical inverter and battery was theirs. We of course paid Ben to install NEW equipment, including the inverter, batter, solar panels etc. This other owner had taken their bus in for a few upgrades and ended up upgrading their inverter and batteries. When they went back into the shop to get their bus, Ben told them that he got rid of their old electrical equipment. Turns out he “got rid” of it by installing it in our bus “claiming it was new”.

This is what “done” means to LSS

These are pictures of the “done” bus build according to LSS. This is the “finished” product they deliver.

No point in painting that?

No point in painting back there?

Ceiling fan. It works, but the plastic shroud isn’t even connected to the ceiling, and they painted around it even though it’s not connected.

No point in painting back there.
Drawer has never been used. They built it with that gap in there.

Not the same drawer as above. So as least they’re consistently horrible.

No point in painting 2/3rds of that wall for some reason. And just paint around those wires, who’ll notice?
This is “done”?

The edge of the flooring at the back door. That’s quality work right there.
Quality corner alignment right there.
Again, this is what LoneStar Skoolie calls “done”.
Is it supposed to look like that?

Coming soon, other things done wrong

We were supposed to get a number of drawers built into various areas, trying to maximize the use of storage space as much as possible. NONE of them got built.

Shower was supposed to have tile on the bottom but they used a plastic shower pan, which is oddly raised up right around the drain so the water won’t go down the drain properly. It needs to be torn out and rebuilt.

We had them make a collapsable counter that connects the kitchen counter to the side of the fridge. It’s a terrible design with horrible hinges that don’t work properly. It’ll get torn out.

The murphy bed was supposed to be queen size. Had they measured things correctly from the beginning, we could have accommodated it, but since they waited until the end and didn’t measure anything properly, we had to downsize to a full instead.

The bathroom was supposed to have a vanity built for the sink we purchased and had shipped there. Again they didn’t measure anything properly, so by the time they got to the install the vanity, the sink we purchased wouldn’t fit. We ended up scrapping the entire vanity build and told them we’ll do it ourselves later down the road.

They were supposed to build a storage drawer for under the washer/dryer. They just straight up didn’t do that at all. Didn’t even build the cabinet for it, nothing.

They were supposed to make us a “shore power cable” long enough to reach from the RV hookups over to the right side of our bus where the plug receptacle is located. They didn’t make it.

They were supposed to create a luggage rack on the back part of the roof just behind the raised section. They even used that as an excuse one day saying that all they had left was to create the luggage rack and just needed an extra day. They ended up getting more than a week extra after that and still didn’t do the luggage rack.

Flooring gone wrong

Almost all of the flooring just comes right up with almost no effort. The image below is at the back of the bus near the batteries. Those 2 black tiles are the underside of flooring pieces. Notice there’s not even any glue on there. Almost none of the flooring back there has anything more than such a minor amount of glue that you can’t even see it… it’s literally about as sticky as a post-it note.

Flooring just peels up
No glue
No glue here either
This trim just pulls right out.
No tools needed
Found a little glue, but probably wrong type because it didn’t dry even days later.

Also, as you can see, they used OSB instead of plywood for the subfloor. Our contract explicitly stated that they would use plywood. Here’s why that matters (not for use with flooring and contains formaldehyde).

Wires painted, overspray EVERYWHERE

When Amber spray painted the interior of the bus, she also painted over a lot of the wiring that they hadn’t covered over, so now all of the wires are white and we have no idea what they go to.

Don’t worry about painting the edges, but paint the wires so we have no idea what wires goes to what anymore.
Before “Overspray Amber” got happy with the paint sprayer
Overspray all over the controls, seat, everywhere

Electrical box, inverter, plexiglass?

It all needs to be rewired. Well to start with, what is up with the plexiglass shelf held up by the cheap angle brackets? Ben originally said he might build a plexiglass box to enclose some of the electrical wiring and make it look cleaner. This is what he came up with. As with everything else, THIS is what they called “done”. The electrical box toward the bottom isn’t even really mounted in there. It moves easily…. just what you want in a box housing your AC circuits. Bounce down the road a bit and electrify the bus. Notice where the painting ended, for whatever reason.

What is up with the plexiglass shelf?
Box isn’t even really mounted in there.

Behind the washer/dryer and under bathroom floor

Behind the washer/dryer, they didn’t bother to paint the walls, and whatever glue they used for the “2nd set” of flooring wasn’t the right glue because it didn’t dry at all. You can pull up the flooring almost as easily as if it wasn’t glued down at all. It’s barely sticky. And since the plumbing underneath the entire bathroom is all wrong, as reported by the certified plumber, we’ve had to cut a hole in the floor.